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Golfing Holidays

Dear Fellow Golfers

Since organizing the Mission Hills trip to China, I’m often asked “when and where is the next trip.” Well organizing them can be quite difficult so when Brent Schumacher of Stars Travel, based here in New Plymouth approached me to join forces I immediately realized the potential.

Brent’s idea was to make his company more Golf oriented so I’ve given him monthly golf tips for his website to help clients improve their game.

Golfing holidays are always fun especially when you play famous courses or be a spectator at a Major Championship. We are also looking at Golfing Cruises, stopping off and playing golf at the various courses.

If you are interested in golf trips or require assistance with your individual holiday, get in touch with Brent and his team to organize your dream holiday.

Best wishes for a happy golfing season.

Your Personal Pro.

John Garner.

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