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News Letter


Message from the President

The Manukorihi Golf Club Incorporated resolved at the last AGM meeting to revise and update the rules of the Manukorihi Golf Club,

This has been completed and passed by the Committee on the 15th October 2018,

There are draft copies of these rules in the club rooms for you to read. Please do not take them away!

The revised copy of the rules includes all past amendments and will be passed at the Manukorihi Golf Clubs AGM 3rd December 2018. The Clubs AGM is only a few months away so there is a nomination form on the clubs notice board. The committee is looking for a men’s and ladies club captain, vice club captain, and committee members. If you think that you would enjoy the opportunity of being involved please have a chat to myself or any of our current committee members. The club is looking for someone to take away the bottles weekly to the recycling in Waitara. This saves the club over $1500.00 in costs a year. If you can help please see JR.

Many Thanks

David Butler President.

Club Captains Report

A strong freezing southerly was the only welcome to the finalist of the Top Dog 2018. Shane Weir and Robert Butler taking on Ian Titter and Phil Wilson. In a seesawing match Ian and Phil winning on the 17th. Congratulations to you both.

An interesting format this year trialed and with a few tweaks may see an improved participation next year.

31 played in the days sweepstake with the best nett going to Ian Titter with a 64, followed by Brian Rattenbury with 68. John Davey and Brian Rattenbury getting the only twos receiving 3 balls each. Raffle winners were Jason McDowall, Jo Broadmore, Dean Maxwell, Brian Rattenbury, Jeff T. And JC.

This Saturday is two ball best ball. So find your partner on Saturday morning and record your best nett on each hole. I think you will all agree on the great recovery of the greens from the verti draining and verti cutting done in the last couple of weeks. Well done Paul on the positive comments on Saturday by the many visitors.

Have a great long weekend, happy golfing.



  • There is one more qualifying round of the shootout to go. Best of luck to you all this Saturday but in particular to those on a total of 557 or thereabouts as one good round can make a big difference to your qualifying chances.

  • 22 players qualify. The top two qualifiers who automatically go into the last 9 playoff holes cook sausages and butter bread at the 9th. The other 20 players will be organised into fours to play the first 9 holes to sort out the next 8 players for the final playoff holes.

  • If there is a tie for the 22nd place the next lowest score comes into the count.

  • The 10 players who go into the last nine knockout holes all tee off trying for their best possible nett score. When all players have putted out the scores are assessed and the highest nett score is eliminated and paid out. If there is a tie for last place a chip off takes place. Furthest from the pin is the loser. Note the longer you survive the greater the payout!!

  • Those knocked out carry on as spectators enjoying refreshments along the way.

  • On the 27th the qualifiers will be organised into fours and will start to tee off at 8:00am.

Results and the draw will be in next weeks News Sheet so make sure you check for your tee off time. If you can't play on the 27th please let us know this Saturday.

Thank You.

Steven Voyle.

Manukorihi Club Captain.


Le Dejeuner Catering Wednesday Club.

A little bit windy as the lads headed to the tees, Phil Wilson handled the wind well with 44 points, Rod Andrews, 43. Jim Dawson, Colin Upson and Greg Fowler 42.

Carl Beale 41, Jody Bound, Don Bowers and David Butler 40. Nathan Loppy finished with 39 points. Phil Wilson, Colin Upson and Cliff Oxenham all had twos.

Greg Fowler had 26 putts by lot from Phil and Colin.

Geoff Peters has his name on the wooden spoon.

Raffle winners, Ivor, Greg, Carl, Phil and Jim Newlove.


See You next week


Bar Roster November

Saturday Sunday

3rd Nicole? 4th Marie?

10th Kerry V 11th JC

17th Kerry E 18th David

24th JR 25th Richard

December 1st Closing day.

Note: The 3rd/4th is the guys trip that's why I put Nicole and Marie with a ?.


Saturday Ladies

We were battling a strong, cold wind on Saturday and this made it hard work. Top Dog match results were: Nicole & Marie won 2/1 over Fay & Helen Watt, Christine & Kath won 3/1 over Jo B & Lesley. Twos were drawn for Jo.B and Nicole.Joan Marshall won the 9 hole 1 putt competition with 3. This weekend we play nett plus putts and the 9 hole ladies play 3 clubs & a putter.


Tuesday Ladies

Another lovely golfing day and what a treat to play with some run. The course is in fantastic order and a joy to play on.

We had the last round of TopDog today and here are the results.

9 Holers: Dot B and Colleen bt Dot C and Joan.

18 Holers: Joy E and Robyn bt Marie and Joc.

Mary and Jo bt Christine and Helen .

Fay and Joy A were beaten by Lesley and Kath who were the Tuesday TopDog winners. Congratulations to a good pairing.

Twos were drawn and the lucky voucher winners were Joc and Robyn.

Must have been Robyn's lucky day as she also won the raffle.

Next week is the last day for putting and eclectic. It will be a Nett competition and the starter is Joy A.

Looking ahead , the 18 Holers have their Xmas Hamper on Friday 2nd Nov and we are asking members for raffles please. Bring anytime.

Our Closing Day is Tuesday 27 th November and the dress up theme is " Bright and Cheerful " so get out all those pretty bright clothes and have a gay day.

The cost of the lunch is $28.




Routines: The Waggle !! We all have a personal way of getting started, to hit the ball. Some of us waggle the wrists, others prefer to have a stiffer routine either with the arms or even from the shoulders. And then there’s the number of times that you do your “thing.”

Well whatever you do is fine BUT you make sure that you do it every time !!

Gary Player used to push his right knee in to get started, Jack Nicklaus turned his head slightly to his right. Rory McIlroy straightens his right arm, which I personally don’t like because most golfer’s would get blocked off on the way back but it doesn’t seem to affect him. ( perhaps I’d better try it !!!! ) Get yourself a way to get started, & do it every time with all the clubs. I’ll be watching that Waggle !!!

Good Luck & Good Golfing

Professional John Garner.

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