Manukorihi Golf Club
Presidents Report 2017
The 2017 season has been at times stressful and very trying, with all that has happened over the year this has been one of my most demanding and challenging years as president of the Manukorihi Golf Club.
The season started with a visit from Work Safe NZ, after a formal complaint made by one of our members! The visit however turned out to be a positive one, the Work Safe representative was very helpful and reported we were on track with our existing health and safety principles, and felt with a little more signage we would have no problem complying with current regulations. I would like to acknowledge the expertise and guidance of Marty Crafar from Safe Business Solutions who has been coordinating our health and safety programme, which was well in advance of the Work Safe NZ visit.
In May I received a phone call, and subsequently a visit from MPI (Ministry of Primary Industries) informing me of the outbreak of Myrtle Rust on the course. This was to become a very taxing time over the next ten plus weeks, with a number of meetings and a ‘restricted place’ notice affecting the course. MPI’s closing of the course for five weeks was very tough on our committee and members. Many thanks to Paul Fairhurst our greenkeeper who was constantly liaising with the MPI representative’s along with maintaining the course in top condition during the closure. We are still having visits from MPI, checking on any further out breaks of Myrtle Rust, the club is still under a restriction of any Myrtle species coming on or off the course. Thanks also to Richard Crowe and Ian Titter for their efforts and time spent to organise our compensation claim to MPI over the course closure period.
Manukorihi Golf Club committee and members would like to pass on thanks to our local Golf Clubs that offered their facilities and support over that difficult period.
We also have two people leaving the club, our caterer Sheryl has decided to move on at the end of the 2017 season, after 15 years as our club caterer. Many thanks from all of us Sheryl for the great service that you have provided over the years. Jocelyn our cleaner has also decided to move on after 6 years’ service to the club, again thanks to you both.
On an optimistic note however!
The club purchased a second new tractor at the beginning of the 2017 season, thanks to Power farming. We were able to trade in the old tractor that made the new one affordable. This has made a big saving on fuel and Maintenance costs.
Early in the year we finished the water reservoir, this was made possible with the sponsorship from Todd Energy over the last few years, Todd also sponsored some of the plants around the lake, along with donations from our members, this has made the look of the 5th hole one of our best on the course, and will give the club better water quality in the summers to come. The lake has become a great asset for the club, and as you can see is proving itself worthwhile with the recent dry spell, the greens and Tee’s are in great condition.
Over the past months the club has been putting together a dirt shed, many thanks to the lads that have taken on this project; a big thankyou to Metal Craft for supplying all of the iron, this has made the project very affordable and will greatly assist to our greens staff.
Over all the Manukorihi Golf Club is in very good health, with the course in great condition this has been made possible by our greens staff and the up to date machinery that they are working with, again a big thank you to the all the helpers that do all the little things, gardens, hedges the car park the lawns around the club, tidy up around the course where needed, a big thank you to all.
The Committee applied to the Lion Foundation for a grant to buy a Dot Golf Card scoring system, we received a sum of money to put towards it, with the club making up the balance. This is also a great asset for the club and will keep us in line and up to date with other clubs in Taranaki. Introducing this system will also make the work load more bearable and a little easier for our handicapper running tournaments and club days. I am pleased to announce the system is now up and running and available for use this Saturday 16th December.
A special thanks to all the Manukorihi clubs sponsors, without them the club would not be in the great place that it is today, please take a look at the clubs new website ( and support our club sponsors.
Many thanks to my committee and the Ladies committee over the past season as you know it has been a tough one! The club has kept our members up to date with great information through our website and our weekly news letters, many thanks to those that look after them.
The 2018 season will be a great one to look forward to; we have projects and improvements in hand to keep the Manukorihi golf club looking at it best and moving forward into the future.
Many thanks to all members for a job well done and I look forward to seeing you and meeting our new members in the 2018 playing season.
David Butler