News Letter Course at Covid level 1

At Alert Level 1, while none of the public health requirements is mandatory, it is important to remain vigilant and continue to practise good hygiene to minimise the risk of community transmission. We should be vigilant in maintaining these good practices so that we are prepared to move quickly back into higher alert levels if needed.
News Special
After a lifetime of trying, our dedicated and hardworking co-course convenor Jim Newlove scored his first hole-in-one on the par-3 7th hole yesterday, hitting a very straight 5 wood that was on target all the way. Only seven players turned up to play on a damp Wednesday morning so no competition was held, but Jim’s feat was witnessed by fellow players and will be formally recognised by the Club.
Warm congratulations Jim!
Richard Crowe
Club Captains Report
Hello to all. Hope we are all well.
Last week JUNE 13th saw Match play recommence with a Stableford competition played as well. There were some good close matches so well done to all the winners and best of luck in the semis due 27th July or this weekend if that’s been arranged.
Stableford was for the rest of us and… Darren Rice set the standard by playing a balanced round and didn’t get deflated at all …even though he needed to keep his pressure under control at times. He ended up putting with a little more toe in on the front foot and his alignment was bang on. With a fully Charged outlook of his newly found game he rolled in to the club house for a service and topped up with some well-earned coolants. He passed the WOHF (WINNER OF HIS FOUR) and posted a very good 40 points. Well done Ricey and if you want to hear more about that round call in and see Corson Tyres for all your car needs and a break down report of the round. In a close 2nd was Paul Smoothie Raupatu with 38 and the ONLY player in the 70’s on the day well done Pauly and he was followed by the Hulk Geoff Slater with 31 good to see him back and then then Homer with 31. Richie Ransfield Division 2 came in with 36 pts.
THE REF (Gazza Johnson)
A new section we have started is THE RULES.
One rule per week will be in this spot and this will help us all, as many questions have been asked. So a big thanks to our local NZ qualified golf ref Garry Johnson for teaching us what we should be doing. If you have a question, see Garry or Lofty and we will get the answer for you.
Club house will be OPEN THIS WEEKEND and food will be for purchase and keep up the good hygiene please.
Pennants is over for all our teams this year and there is going to be a thank you BBQ for them. Date Yet TBC and we will have a Pennants challenge of some sort. Watch this space.
Don’t forget men’s trip list is up on the match play board so get your names down along with some cash into Paul R please thanks guys.
Match Committee meeting 2.30pm this Saturday. We will need to change the Programme to allow for this trip as its round three of the top dog so keep an eye out for the date change of round three.
Handicappers request:
Can we all please CHECK THE TICK BOXES WE ARE TICKING ON THE DOT GOLF COMPUTER WHEN YOU GET YOUR CARD OUT PLEASE as some people are just going YES, YES, YES, and they are not in that competition. This makes it a time-consuming effort to change results afterwards.
So please ONLY tick what YOU want to enter ON THE DAY.…..much appreciated.
Thanks, Your club Captain Lofty
Health, Safety and Environment
Did you know? We have some incident or near miss forms that we can fill out if we have one of the fore mentioned at the club house.
WHO FILLS THESE OUT: You do! is the simple answer… so, if you’re doing any Voluntary work or simply have a mishap on the course or you see something unsafe (not getting hit by a golf ball), can we please fill out the form so we have a record and in turn this will allow us as a club to risk assess the hazard and put things in place to mitigate the issue or where we can eliminate it.
For Example an unseen hole in the rough.
A trip hazard ……. if you see it find it please let us know and fill in the form. Once that’s done hand it in to our club HSE contacts …Steven Voyle or Gary Crawford and these guys will pass it on to the responsible person in charge of getting the work done to make it safer.
This week we have,
As the greens have found some fantastic roll we thought we might try a count your putts this week and this will be over the field with some spot winners just to mix it up bit. Some of you will be playing matches so good golfing and you can’t go in the putts comp sorry. So just so its fair when you get in please put your total number of putts up on the white board so we can ALL see just how you like quicker greens……we may even put up a 3 putt plus column just for fun…….so be honest teams enjoy the day.
Please note local rule is up for LIFT CLEAN AND PLACE 15CM TROUGH THE GREEN
Waitara New World Wednesday Club.
The Wednesday Committee cancelled golf on Wednesday due to the weather as it was the first round of the stroke play. We wanted it to be fair play to all Wednesday players taking part. The first round will be next week 24th June arriving at 9am for a 9.30 tee off. Stroke play will be the best combined nett scores over three rounds and the best 2 combined scores for the top 16 players for match play.
Wednesday Club
Men's Tour 2020
The itinerary for the end of year tour has been confirmed and this year we are going to the Bay of Plenty.
There are two options to choose from; a 4-day trip leaving Thursday 29th Oct and a 3-day trip leaving Friday 30th Oct with both returning on Sunday 1st November.
Day 1: Thursday 29th Oct - Omanu Golf Club
Day 2: Friday 30th Oct - Tauranga Golf Club
Day 3: Saturday 31st Oct - Te Puke Golf Club
Day 4: Sunday 1st Nov - Piopio Aria Golf club
The cost:
4-day trip $430
3-day trip $310
Please see the notice board for more details and indicate which trip you will be attending. Any questions please let me know
Paul Rauputu 021728565
P.S. In the meantime, don't forget your three putt contribution (at least $20 before we travel).
Cheers Paul R
Mid Monthly Competition
Wonderful support for our first mid monthly since March.
A field of 67 players, 19 Manukorihi members supported their club and members from Urenui, Kaitake, Inglewood, Strathmore, Westown, Fitzroy and New Plymouth. A great selection to show off our lovely course. We had 4 twos for the day. The winners of their divisions were Kevin Couper 38 points, Tony Bromfield 35 points, George Hill 36 points and Michelle Grant 38 points.
Thanks Jan for the lovely food and to Paul and his team for presenting a great course.
Next Mid Monthly Friday 11th July - tee off 8am to 11am.
Mid Monthly Team
Saturday Ladies Report
Great turn out of ladies on Saturday with 16 playing 18 Holes and 4 - 9 Holers. The sun shined but conditions were still difficult under foot and again this reflected with the scores. Competition of the day was Nett Joy East won the first division with Nett 79, Jo Broadmore won the second division with a Nett 74.This was also the second round of Fraser Trophy Eclectic, with Jo Broadmore winning over the two rounds with Nett 68, on countback from last year’s winner Andrea Fraser. Twos were drawn, newcomer Sally Wildman drew her own card, the second drawn two went to Fay Rowe. Colleen Hoskins won the 9 Hole competition. Next week, will be Match Play semi-finals, the starter is Jude.
Jo B
Tuesday Ladies Report
Quite a pleasant day for golf but finished with very dirty shoes and gear.
Frances won the 9 hole voucher for Best net of 39.
Pauline won the 1st division voucher for the 18 holers and Helen W the 2nd, both with 29 sfd.
For the 1/4 final match play results, Lesley bt Teati and Helen J bt Bev.
Christine had a 2 on 11th and collects $15.
The raffle was won by Pauline.
Next week we are playing LGU & Home Pennant & Bleakley Tray Rnd 1 and the starter is Rhonda.
Jo F
PRACTISING YOUR PUTTING is not charging up & down the green with 1 ball, the best way is to have a simple system. You need 5 balls & 4 tees. Push the 1st tee into the green 50 cms away from the hole, the 2nd tee a further 20 cms, the 3rd another 20 cms & the same with the 4th. Now try to hit the 5 balls into the hole from the closest tee. If you hole all 5 go to the next tee, if you miss one try again until you achieve all 5 into hole. There’s obviously something going wrong missing from such a short distance!!! If you hole all 5 from each tee this builds your confidence & lowers your scores. So get PRACTISING YOUR PUTTING!!!
Keep Well & Stay Safe
Good Luck & Good Golfing.
Professional John Garner.