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News Letter Course at Covid level 1

Club Captains Report

Last week JUNE 27th Saw some Match play games get completed and we are getting down to the business of the comp so well done to all so far. The rest of us played a nett comp and to be honest some off us should of taken up bowls or learnt how to knit beanies or something as it was shocking. In fact one of our team members said that he would complete the 12 holes and then go straight to the bar but if he did that he would miss the double doors. Its ok CHOP CHOP I think we can play 9 holes next week.

Robbie Busing had a blinder as well or was he blinded? by Sunstrike who was more like side-swiped. As for myself I have been doing a Theseus on if you buy good gear does this improve your game …. and the answer is simply NO!!! ….NO YOU CANT!… .But all is not lost as Richard the Crowe said Jim almost got another hole in one ON THE 7TH and my reply was I almost didn’t go Out of bounds on the 8th …Richard.

So on to more serious stuff on the 11.07.2020 the finals will be played and we would like to get some atmosphere out there and support the members who made it.

So tee times will be made from 10.30am and when your game is done you could stay and support the 36 holers. Green fee players and others who can’t make it earlier can go at 1.30pm.

Pennant Challenge and BBQ

The club will be hosting a BBQ on July 19th to recognize all Pennant Players who have represented the club this year. Teams will meet at the club ready for tee off at 9am, multi tee start. On completion of the matches a BBQ will be provided as appreciation for the time these members commitment to the club.

This will involve teams represented by

• Mid-Week Ladies

• Weekend Ladies

• Men's Vets (The Old Boys) (number of teams to be confirmed)

• Senior Men (Top Guns)

• Men's No 1 Pennant (Can Be Contenders)

• Men's No 2 Pennant (Just About)

All team captains to organize their own teams and provide numbers to Robin before 12th July so that team match ups can be scheduled and advised prior to the day. The matches will be played under handicap pennants with shots given. ES


This week it is grab a partner (Not to hard) and we are going to play Foursomes….. its Alternate shots and Alternate tee shots (odds or even) so think about your tee pick do you want even or odd tee offs. We were meant to be playing the Joll cup but covid has put a end to that so we want have a bit club fun. So how this works handicap wise is ..

WHEN YOU ENTER YOUR CARD YOU WILL NEED TO PICK YOUR PARTNERS NAME ON THE DOT GOLF MACHINE AND IT WILL DO THE REST. Then have a cupper tea and see the join team scores go up as they come in thanks.



Waitara New World Wednesday Club.

Today was the second round of stoke play, after two rounds Phil Wilson is leading with a Nett score of 144, followed by Jim Newlove 149 and Rodney Maiden 150.

Good luck lads with one round to go.

There was a great turn out with 34 players, the weather didn’t look great at the start of the day but the sun came out as the lads made there way to the tee.

Phil Wilson was the winner of the day with at Nett 72 taking away a Waitara New World voucher of $20.00, Peter Pearce 73, Bill Wadsworth 74, Jim Newlove, Les Wildman, Wayne Beal, Barry Burns, Peter Loppy, Rodney Maiden and Phil Daley all win $10.00.

Kerry Edgcombe, Dave Yates, Kerry Rawlinson, Geoff Peters, John Rayner and Cliff Oxenham finished the day winning $5.00.

There were three twos, Gary Fulton, Peter Loppy and Mike Burkhart all picking up 2 balls each.

Raffle winners, Blue, John Vanders, Juppy, Dave Yates, David, Kerry E, JR, Phil Wilson and Peter Pearce both winning 2 each.

Cheers, Wednesday Committee.


Wednesday Club


Men's Tour 2020

Thanks to those people who have already registered interest in this year's trip.

Due to lack of 3 day interest we have decided on just the four day trip only.

Please register on the sheet if you need a cart.

The bank account number is 15-3956-0654678-26 please get a deposit in as soon as possible to confirm your spot.

Any questions please see Paul Rauputu 021728565

The itinerary for the end of year tour has been confirmed and this year we are going to the Bay of Plenty.

Leaving Thursday 29th Oct and returning on Sunday 1st November.

Day 1: Thursday 29th Oct - Omanu Golf Club

Day 2: Friday 30th Oct - Tauranga Golf Club

Day 3: Saturday 31st Oct - Te Puke Golf Club

Day 4: Sunday 1st Nov - Piopio Aria Golf club

The cost: 4-day trip $430 - The bank account number is 15-3956-0654678-26

P.S. In the meantime, don't forget your three putt contribution (at least $20 before we travel). Cheers Paul R


Saturday Ladies Report

The rain held off till the last group was in and whilst conditions still heavy under foot we were lucky to get away with mild temperatures on the day. we played LGU, Home Pennant first round of Bleakley Tray and RSA Trophy.

Two divisions, winner of 1st Division was Lesley Elliot, 2nd Division Jo Broadmore, both with nett 78. Only one two to Nicole Mancer on the 3rd winning a $10 voucher. There was no 9 hole competition results. The drawn Chemist Voucher was one by Lesley.

Next week Round 2 RSA Medal the starter is Sue.

Jo B

Tuesday Ladies Report

Winter has arrived with a bang and only 10 hardy souls went out to play the 2nd Rnd of the Barbara Sharrock with the winner being Helen Watt.

Congratulations Helen, you must like this trophy as you won the weekend one as well!

The competition was Stableford with Joy E winning 1st division and Helen W 2nd division. $5 each for you.

2s were drawn and Joy E and Joc the lucky winners.

Next week we are playing the 1st Rnd of the Manukorihi Cup and the starter is Helen Watt.

Jo F



CHIPPING : How to practice & improve your Chipping

Take 6 balls your 8 iron, Pw & Lob. Go to the edge of the green & hit 2 balls with each club. Take notice as to which club hits the balls nearer to the pin. Putt them into the hole. Now go to a different position & repeat 2 balls with each club & again notice which club suits the lie & angle of shot. Again have a game with yourself & putt them into the hole so that you are also practising your putting. Now go to another spot & repeat the exercise. Many golfers play the same club wherever they are around the green which then becomes their “favourite club” but not necessarily the easy club to use from the lie. Try the practice routine & see new results from a Sound Chipping Drill.

Keep Well & Stay Safe

Good Luck & Good Golfing.

Professional John Garner.

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