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News Letter Course at Covid level 2

Club President

Manukorihi Golf Club is very proud to have won the Vets Pennants net competition for the first time in 25 years.

As you can see from the picture,

Trevor and Barbara Hughes have done a fantastic job refurbishing the Pennant Shield and making sure it can be used for the next 25 years. Many thanks to Trevor and Rod Andrews for the time and effort they have put in as our team organisers to ensure the Club is represented so well. Congratulations and thanks to all players who participated during the year!

Richard Crowe


2020 Mixed Top DogReminder this starts this Sunday. Require names in by Saturday please.Details of format in the upcoming events further on in newsletter.

Cheers Marie

Club Captains Report

Hello to all. Hope we are all well. Last week Saturday the 22nd / 8 /2020 saw the 4 club day played and some good results with the President and the Handicapper coming away with the win so well do lads. Chop you did play well son. Then there was the Ratz and young Burnsy followed by a heap of us. Hope we all enjoyed the day it looked like most had a good day and some played more golf than the others …OH DID YOU NOT HEAR. Roger Clarkson must of hit the replay button on the sky remote 4 times I think as he teed off the 4th and carded a tidy 14 so well done Roger. I bet you were pleased the 5th was the next hole…..

BUT Wait there’s more… in fact 6 more ….shots that is… So this gentle Giant said he had his best tee shot of the day on the 17th and then just pushed his 2nd into the bunker ….THIS IS AS THEY SAY …..WHERE IT ALL WENT SOUTH.1,2,3,4,^%%$# 5,6,7 @#$%&)(&^$#@,8,9,10 thank you Golf God I am out of the bunker, now ….refocus and chip and putt………..chip 1, putt 1,2,3 $#^&* 4,5 really!!!!!! 6, TAP IT IN HAPPY …TAP IT IN ..7 …a few MINS LATER THE SCORE OF 20 was etch into golf history on the 17TH . He also said he learnt another thing on Saturday that you can’t put more than 18 shots in dot golf on one hole …just to rub in the salt. But it’s not the worst as the highest par four was 23 on the pga tour and someone said that there was a member who had 35 at Manu details to be confirmed.29ND Hidden holes on stableford this week … Make up your fours just thinking if….. The 17th and 14th were none counters this week ???5th 9.2020 is the Purdie Cup and then we are into stroke play for the next three weeks with the Kiwi butcher on the Sunday the 13th so a few big weeks coming up.Starter Sheet; I know we all like to have a game against our mates family members and all WHICH IS GOOD but with the stroke play coming up, it would be nice to sort of play with others in your division if we could…Just a suggestion as it adds a bit of interest I think and does split up the members a bit as well.

REPEATED NOTE: BREAKING NEWS: Covid is back or did it ever leave? let’s be careful out there please ensure hygiene and look after each other. Watch this space Please with the wet weather can we ALL REPAIR THE PITCH MARKS IN THE GREENS this will help maintain the smooth roll cheers.

CART USERS: Please select where you are driving and try to keep away from the boggy spots out on the course please Especially closer to the green’s thanks.Thanks, and good golfing,

Your club Captain Lofty

Waitara New World Wednesday Club.

A great turn out for the Wednesday Club with 35 players and visitors from Waitara, Kaitake and Martinborough. The quarter finals of the match play was also played with some good games.

Next week the semi finals will be teeing off the 1st tee.

Division one winner was Geoff Peters with +1, Brett Kerr – 1, Kerry Edgcombe, Steven Bettridge, Les Wildman, Ivor Sarten and Wayne Kopu all – 3.

Division two winner was Rob Fraser with + 3. Tony Bromfield +1. Richard Crowe all square, Cliff Oxenham, Trevor Hughes, John Vanders and Rod Andrews all – 2.

Raffle winners. Colin Upson, Phil Wilson, Peter Loppy, Leonard Estment, Russell Bernasconi, Ivor Sarten, Wayne Kopu X 2 and Peter Pearce X 2.


Men's Tour 2020

Men's Tour 2020 Hi guys - The trip is full!

Please could you all get a $50 deposit into the account as soon as possible with the remainder due in full by 1st October.

Account number 15-3956-0654678-26

Any questions, give me a call Paul 021728565

Cheers Paul R


Tuesday Ladies Report

No golf today as a very wet and soggy course with lots of greens underwater. LGU will be played next Tuesday.

There has been another change of date for the Manureing Cup. It will now be played on Friday 25th September. This Trophy Cup is played annually between Manukorihi, Urenui and Inglewood. Hence the name. Man Ure Ing. It was donated by one of our girls and each year we play it at one of the courses.

The competition is the best 5 Stableford cards count and as many players as you like can go so there you have it for your info.

Jo F



Watching the top players from around the world you notice that they have a definite “Pre – Shot Routine” a system of choosing the correct club every time they go to the ball before hitting it.

Before getting to the ball

1. Direction of the wind ?

2. Where the trouble is ?

3. How am I playing / feeling ?

When I arrive at the ball

4. Where is the flag in relation to trouble. ? ( sand or water !! )

5. What is the lie like ?

6. How far is it ?

Now the one thing you could be better at is knowing your Club Distances & HAVING THEM WRITTEN DOWN TO SEE & NOT RELY ON MEMORY OR SIGHT !

Next time you watch the Stars, on every shot where a decision on club selection is necessary, out comes their little note book to reduce any mental errors. It’s a “PRE – SHOT ROUTINE.” Try it & see !!

Keep Well & Stay Safe

Good Luck & Good Golfing.

Professional John Garner.

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