News Letter

Club Captains Report
On Saturday the 29th September we had a Haggle and the Format was Par & Count Your Putts.
We have been very lucky with the weather on our club days lately with another nice sunny day and very little wind in the forecast.
The course and the greens are looking good with the greens starting to recover from the maintenance work done last week.
You would not think so though with only one two being scored on club day or maybe some of us just need more putting practice.
Results & Voucher Winners: Robert Butler +7 ,Michael Loppy +6 , Robin Broadmore +6 ,Ivor Sarten +5 , Greg Fowler +5 , Trever Hughes +5 , Shane Weir +5 , Nathan Loppy +5 , Bryan Bellamy +5 , John Van Der Leeden +5.
The winner of the count your putts was Robert Middleton with 24 putts.
There was only one two on Saturday and that was from Nathan Loppy on the 7th . (Six Golf Balls On The Board ).
Raffle Results: Ivor Sarten x 2 , S.Voyle , Ricey x 2 , Nicole, Jo.B , David Butler , Michael Loppy , Robin.B.
This Saturday 6th October we will have a Haggle and the Format will be Nett.
The Men’s Top Dog competition is down to the semi-final stage with Robert Butler & Shane Weir winning their match against Richard Ransfield / Kevin Mancer to make it to the Top Dog Final.
The other semi-final will be played this Saturday between David Butler / Steven Voyle and Ian Titter / Phil Wilson.
Shoot Out
Latest standings are now on the whiteboard in the clubrooms. Anyone wishing to improve their position only have 3 weeks in which to do it.
Ian T.
Thank You.
Steven Voyle.
Manukorihi Club Captain.
Le Dejeuner Catering Wednesday Club.
A great day for golf. Lots of sunshine with some pretty hot scores. Robin Broadmore had a great day with 48 points, you were lucky that you had a ride to golf.
John Vanders new clubs are still running hot with 47 points, Mike Letterman and Jim Dawson 46, Tony Bromfield, Peter Loppy, 45, Jamie Clarges 43, Barry Burns and Tony Bouterey 42. Cliff Oxenham and Nicole Mancer finished with 40 points. Brett Kerr was the closet to the 7th pin, missed his 2, and went home with the wooden spoon.
Twos by David Butler, Mike Letterman and Jim Dawson.
Le Dejeuner raffle winners, Brain Rattenbury, Ivor Sarten and Blue takes home 2.
See You next week
Saturday Ladies
Saturday golf was played in cool, breezy conditions. There were some good results. Marie Rayner won the days nett competition, and collects the days $5.00 voucher with a lovely nett 66 on a countback from Kath Alvis who also played lovely golf.There were two 2s, Fay Rowe and Christine Ogle and both also collect a $5.00 voucher.Saturday putting results were: Kath Alvis 29 putts-3pts, Trish Crawford 31 putts-2 pts and Nicole Mancer& Joy East 1 pt for 32 putts.Tuesday Putting results were: Fay Rowe 32 putts-3pts, Joy Andrews 33 putts-2pts and Marie Rayner 1pt for 34 putts.Dot Bowers again won the 9 hole competition with nett 35.The Saturday Top Dog competition begins this weekend.
Tuesday Ladies
A couple of nasty showers dampened us somewhat but then the sun came out and all was good.
We are all playing Top Dog so here are the results.
9 Holers. Frances and Rhonda McF played Dot C. and Joan and ended up all square so 1 point to each team.
18 Holers. 2 points to Fay and Joy A who defeated Helen J and Jo.
1 point each to Marie and Joc, and Lesley and Kath who ended all square.
2 points to Robyn and Joy E who defeated Christine and Helen W.
There were 2 2s. Fay on 3rd and Nicole on 15th so a $5 voucher to each of you The raffle was won by Rhonda McF and the Chemist voucher was won by Trish. Nice to have a weekend winner.
Next week is round 2 of TopDog and Marie is the starter.
Mixed Top Dog
Finals have arrived this Sunday. Finalists after some tough semi finals last Sunday are Kevin and Nicole playing Gary and Trish. All other couples will play for minor placings.
Good luck and let’s enjoy our last Top Dog Round.
Routines are very important as good ones get you past the pressure !!!
Warm up Routine : Every good golfer has his or her way of loosening up before the game.
I recommend:
1. Swinging 2 clubs together in front of the window or mirror.
2. Do your Putting Drill with the 4 tees & 5 balls.
3. Chipping next, 10 short chips with the 8 Iron, then 10 with the PW.
4. Just 20 balls, 5 with an 8 Iron, 5 with a 6 Iron, 5 with your rescue.
5. The last 5 with the club that you will use from the 1st Tee.
If it’s the “big dog” it would be good to know if it’s talking to you or “BARKING” at you !!!
You would then have an insight as to how you are playing & therefore you may want to start off with an easier club, 3 wood or rescue ??
We all want to play our best & having a good Warm Up Routine is a sure way to succeed.
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.