News Letter

Club Captains Report
A fabulous day on Saturday with the first round of the Manukorihi Cup match-play with all matches posting a result. The sweepstake for the day was split into two divisions because of larger numbers.
Voucher winners were:
Division one John R. 46 points, Digby Taylor 44, Trevor Wood 42, Paul F 40.
Division two Mike L 47 points, Colin Upson & Jason McDowall 41, Pooch 40, Blue 39, Mike Burkhart 38, Robert Fraser, Greg Fowler & Geoff Peters 37, Robert Middleton, Robbie Busing and Trevor Wood taking 2 balls each for twos.
Great support again for raffles, thanks to all. Prizes to Jo B, Trish, Big Al, Martin, Robin B, Nicole, Bruce Evans twice, Gary C twice. This Saturday will continue the Manukorihi Cup with a nett sweepstake
Fields are building in our very successful twilight. Chase the Ace was taken out for the second time this year by Jason McDowall who walked out with $226 and a huge smile.
Fabulous meals by Jan for $10 and lots of raffle prizes makes for a great night out.
Great support again for this idea has seen the field filled in a matter of days. A great result so good luck to those that got their name down. The weather now needs to play ball.
Good golfing
Wednesday Club
What a great turn out of players for the Wednesday Xmas Hamper. The course being in fantastic condition showed in the great scores that we had.
Ivor Sarten had the best gross score of 75, Carle Beale the best net with 59. John Davey the best Stableford of 48 points by lot from Jim Dawson. Any other day Jim would have won easily. Don Bowers 46, Barry Burns and Austin Wood 45, Mike Letterman, Phil Wilson and Peter Wills all 43 points. John Chandler and Paul Fairhurst 42, Greg Fowler and Bob Crow 41.
Because it was Xmas everyone got a gift. John Davey also won the best putter of the day with 25 putts. There were 5 twos from Paul F, Rod A, Greg F, Mike L and Blue. Austin Wood had 2 twos and won the jackpot of 19 balls. The wooden spoon went to David Butler for the year.
The lads had a great day with 16 prizes in the raffle to finish the day.
Last of the 2018 Wednesday Golf next week 19th December, then two weeks break, back on 9th January 2019.
Many thanks to all that have helped out over the year.

Taranaki Solar Twilight. Thursday from 4pm to 6pm, Chase the ace draw Meals are available.
Saturday - Tuesday Ladies
Tuesday Ladies news taking a well-earned break. Back next season.
The Long Putting Tip is long overdue so here it is : Take 5 balls & putt the first ball down the green, but do not aim at any hole just remember how hard you hit the ball, & hold your finish watching carefully where it finishes ?? Try to putt the 2nd ball shorter, less power.
Putt the 3rd ball shorter, the 4th ball shorter & then the 5th. If at any stage any ball goes past the previous ball you start again. I want 100% of your brain focused on FEEL!
If you putt to a hole at this the first stage you are immediately thinking of trying to hole the putt thus 50% of your brain is trying to hole the ball & the other 50% is on feel. NO !!
This drill is to teach you FEEL & I need 100% of the brain on the POWER !!! Do this 4 times up & down the green & you will start to LEARN LONG PUTTING - - FEEL !!! ( 1ST ball only 10 paces )
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.