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News Letter

Message from the President

Greetings to you all and a warm welcome to the first season of the 21st Century’s Roaring Twenties – yes, it’s now 2020, and Summer seems to have arrived at last! Our Opening Day this Saturday 1 February will be a mass start at 9.30am, providing a great opportunity for members to mix and meet the new committee and new members, and catch up with fellow club golfers. A big thank-you to our course staff and volunteers who have worked over the holiday period to ensure that our course continues to be in great condition.

At the AGM on 2 December, it was very pleasing to see a good turnout of members and a full committee elected, with most 2019 committee members standing again and providing valuable continuity into this year. Two members joining the committee for the first time, Martin Nobbs and Barry Burns, have gone straight into the key positions of Club Secretary and Treasurer, respectively – many thanks to Martin and Barry for stepping up. And a big thanks to those vacating the posts.

I am sure you have all appreciated the many and various course and facility improvement projects completed over the last few years. These initiatives will continue, but one new project in particular being targeted for this year is the long overdue upgrade of the amenities block.

Sincere thanks to all who help out at our Club in so many ways to ensure our golf course continues to be in wonderful condition. It is very rewarding to get so many positive comments from visitors to our Club.

All the best to everyone for this year: we all have days when our golf pleases us, for at least 12-15 holes anyway, but also days when it frustrates us – on these latter days, just remember all those people unable to participate in golf for whatever reason who would call any day walking around our golf course a great day!

To good health and good golfing,

Richard Crowe


Message from the (New) Treasurer

The 2020 membership subscriptions are close to being issued. A bit late I know but with a new Treasurer and a new accounting computer programme I can assure you that I am doing my best. Rest assured you are not considered unfinancial until at least 20/2/2020, assuming no further delay on my part. Anyone needing to prove that they are financial before then can make payment by EFTPOS at the bar. Subscriptions are unchanged from last year. Otherwise the preferred payment method is by internet banking (see account details on your invoice when it arrives by email or by post) If you have any queries please email Barry Burns at

Thank you for your continued support of our club. Happy golfing!



Message from the Club Captain

Upcoming events comprise the Foreman Trophy on Sunday 9 February (course closed until 2pm.) The Ladies have their Tuesday golf at 9am, with the New World Waitara Wednesday Club going well with its 9 30am mass start. The very successful Taranaki Solar twilight competition is on Thursday evenings with tee-off from 4-6pm: we have consistently had 35-40 participants, with excellent meals available after your game, provided by our caterer Jan at reasonable cost. The “Chase the Ace” dollar prize for Twilight is still climbing for the lucky draw. On Friday afternoons, some of the men meet at midday for an 18 hole haggle – more are welcome.

The Vets tournament week ...

The 2020 programme books are available in the clubhouse for pick-up, with the programme also on the Club’s website (see “”). Club membership tags for this year should be available soon after your subscriptions have been paid.



Taranaki Vets v. Whanganui

Played at Te Ngutu on 27th January in very humid conditions. Taranaki triumphed 35-33.

Division 1 – John Rayner 45 points. Division 2 – Austin Wood 44 points.

Dave Williams, Trevor Hughes and Wayne Kopu all went home with two (golf) balls each.

Raffles prizes to Greg Fowler, Rod Andrews and David Butler. Well done all.

Vets Pennants final Monday is on 3/2/2020 at Westown.

Play well lads, good luck.



Footnote from the Editor

This is the last Newsletter from the current Editor. For the time being the job is being passed to Martin Nobbs but we will be looking for a volunteer to take it over permanently. If you think you may be able to help in this regard please contact Martin. Thanks.

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